
Web-Application for Real Estate Startup
Product Design & Web-design
Project Overview
"Tochigami is a dynamic web application designed for the seamless buying and selling of homes. Tailored to meet the needs of individuals who have recently relocated to the U.S. or are investing in real estate, Tochigami provides invaluable market insights to aid in informed decision-making. Its standout feature is its robust dashboard, offering comprehensive analytics and real-time data visualization to empower users in navigating the housing market effectively.

Additionally, Tochigami fosters community engagement through its integrated forum, providing a platform for homeowners to connect, share experiences, and exchange valuable insights. One of its key functionalities is the ability to submit offers directly through the web application, streamlining the buying process and enhancing user convenience. With Tochigami, users can confidently navigate the complex landscape of real estate transactions while tapping into a supportive community of like-minded individuals."
My Contributions
As a lead designer on this project I was responsible for all aspects of designing website and web-application from scratch, and performed following stages:

- brief study
- competitors analysis
- ideas generation
- sitemap for website
- app map for web-application, which includes 7 different types of app users, who have different functionality and access to information
- UI elements (composition, icons, illustrations and images). Other UI elements, such as color palette, typography and decorations were already predefined by visual identity, created by graphic designer, as well as archetype, emotion and metaphor
- wireframes both for website and web-application
- responsive app design for desktop & mobile
- clickable prototype
- design system
This project consists of 2 parts:
1) Website/Public facing pages, that includes:
- home page;
- map with all houses for sale/rent/foreclosures and sold houses;
- property pages;
- pages about buying and selling real estate;
- pages about real estate agents and benefits working with Tochigami;
- pages with Home Buying Guide, where are lots of tips and useful info about housing market.
2) Web application with accounts for 4 types of users:
- User, who can buy/sell property on the website, see all info about housing market, manage list of favorite houses and create saved searches, find real estate agent, book consultation or/and home tour, make offer directly via website, track transaction progress, etc.;
- Real estate agent, who can see all info about market, see offers, see requests for consultations and home tours, have access to transaction coordination system and to tranaction related documents;
- Admin/Transaction Coordinator, who can see all info about market, access offers, access all transactions and documents;
- Superadmin/CEO account - only 1 account with this access type: has access to all info, that admin has, but besides that can add/remove admins.
Basis for UI-design
Determining a brand's emotion and archetype helps create a consistent and relatable brand identity. Emotions connect with consumers on a personal level, fostering loyalty and recognition. Archetypes provide a framework for storytelling, making the brand more memorable and resonant. Creating a metaphor for branding adds depth and symbolism, making it easier for consumers to understand and relate to the brand's essence. Metaphors evoke emotions, simplify complex concepts, and enhance memorability, contributing to a stronger and more impactful brand presence.
Need for keeping an eye on the pulse, controlling every aspect of someone’s life. “The world is a dangerous place, I must be ready, be fully armed and predict the dangers”.
Magician - 80%
The magician tries to find out the fundamental laws of how the universe works and makes dreams to come true. It has a gift of finding win-win situations.
Explorer - 20%
Explorer seeks freedom through exploring the world in order to find himself. He always goes for journeys to experience new things in order to escape the boredom.
We are like God's Touch
Tochigami - translates like "Land God" from Japanese, so metaphor of "God's touch" is perfect for this project because it symbolizes enlightenment and clarity, that helps user make right decision.
Website/Public facing pages
Hero section with dashboard
Home page
Mobile version of Home page
Mobile version of Log In/Sign Up screen and Menus
Map with available houses/properties on desktop and mobile
Hero section of Property page
Property page
Photo viewer on desktop and mobile
Property page Dashboard - Tab 1
Property page Dashboard - Tab 2
Property page Dashboard - Tab 3
Property page Dashboard - Mobile versions
About us
Our professionals
About us - Mobile versions
Web-application pages
My favorites - Desktop
My favorites - Mobile versions with expanded filters/sorting
Saved Searches
Create new Saved Search
My Offers
My Agent
Compare houses
Account settings
Agent Dashboard (in Agent's account)
Users (in Agent's account)
Properties (in Agent's account)
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